
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Robert J. Yetman Tax-Motivated Expense Allocations By Nonprofit Organizations
Steven R. Matsunaga
Chul W. Park
The Effect of Missing a Quartrly Earnings Benchmark on the CEO's Annual Bonus
Suil Pae
Seung-Weon Yoo
Strategic Interaction in Auditing : An Analysis of Auditors' Legal Liability, Internal Control System Quality, and Audit Effort
Hong Xie The Mispricing of Abnormal Accruals
Mark L. DeFond
Chul W. Park
The Reversal of Abnormal Accruals and the Market Valuation of Earnings Surprises
Sandra C. Vera-Munoz
William R. Kinney, Jr.
Sarah E. Bonner
The Effects of Domain Experience and Task Presentation Format on Accountants' Information Relevance Assurance
Ashiq Ali
Sanjay Kallapur
Securities Price Consequences of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Related Events