
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Tim Baldenius Delegated Investment Decisions and Private Benefits of Control
Hyeesoo Chung
Sanjay Kallapur
Client Importance, Nonaudit Services, and Abnormal Accruals
John E.Core
Wayne R.Guay
Robert E.Verrecchia
Price versus Non-Price Performance Measures in Optimal CEO Compensation Contracts
Randal J.Elder
Robert D.Allen
A Longitudinal Field Investigation of Auditor Risk Assessments and Sample Size Decisions
Karla M.Johnstone
Jean C.Bedard
Risk Management in Client Acceptance Decisions
Henock Louis The Value Relevance of the Foreign Translation Adjustment
Jeff L.Payne
Wayne B.Thomas
The Implications of Using Stock-Split Adjusted I/B/E/S Data in Empirical Research
Kristy L.Towry Control in a Teamwork Environment - The Impact of Social Ties on the Effectiveness of Mutual Monitoring Contracts