
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Jennifer Altamuro
Annel L.Beatty
Joseph Weber
The Effects of Accelerated Revenue Recognition on Earnings Management and Earnings Informativeness : Evidence from SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No.101
Orie E.Barron
David G.Harris
Mary Stanford
Evidence That Investors Trade on Private Event-Period Information around Earnings Announcements
Lawrence D.Brown
Marcus L.Caylor
A Temporal Analysis of Quarterly Warnings Thresholds : Propensities and Valuation Consequences
Qiang Cheng
Terry D.Warfield
Equity Incentives and Earnings Management
Angela L.Coletti
Karen L.Sedatole
Kristy L.Towry
The Effect of Control Systems on Trust and Cooperation in Collaborative Environments
Peter D.Easton
Steven J.Monahan
An Evaluation of Accounting-Based Measures of Expected Returns
David B.Farber Restoring Trust after Fraud : Does Corporate Governance Matter?
Joseph G.Fisher
Laureen A.Maines
Sean A.Peffer
Geoffrey B.Sprinkle
An Experimental Investigation of Employer Discretion in Employee Performance Evaluation and Compensation
Aloke Ghosh
Doocheol Moon
Audit Tenure and Perceptions of Audit Quality
John R.M.Hand The Value Relevance of Financial Statements in the Venture Capital Market
Jayanthi Krishnan Audit Committee Quality and Internal Control : An Empirical Analysis
Xiaohong Liu
Dan A.Simunic
Profit Sharing in an Auditing Oligopoly
Anne M.Magro Knowledge, Adaptivity, and Performance in Tax Research
Molly Mercer The Fleeting Effects of Disclosure Forthcomingness on Management's Reporting Credibility