
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Lei (Tony) Chen
Predicting Earnings Using a Model Based on Cost Variability and Cost Stickiness
Jaqueline S.Hammersley Pattern Identification and Industry-Specialist Auditors
Leslie D.Hodder
Patrick E.Hopkins
James M.Wahlen
Risk-Relevance of Fair-Value Income Measures for Commercial Banks
Kathryn Kadous
Susan D.Krische
Lisa M.Sedor
Using Counter-Explanation to Limit Analysts' Forecast Optimism
Ranjani Krishnan
Michelle H.Yetman
Robert J.Yetman
Expense Misreporting in Nonprofit Organizations
Chi-Chun Liu
Stephen G.Ryan
Income Smoothing over the Business Cycle : Changes in Banks' Coordinated Management of Provisions for Loan Losses and Loan Charge-Offs from the Pre-1990 Bust to the 1990s Boom
Stephen G.Ryan
Jennifer W.Tucker
Paul A.Zarowin
Classification and Market Pricing of the Cash Flows and Accruals on Trading Positions
Premila Gowri Shankar
Hun-Tong Tan
Determinants of Audit Preparers' Workpaper Justifications