
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Katherine Schipper Required Disclosures in Financial Reports
Mary Ellen Carter
Luann J.Lynch
iRem Tuna
The Role of Accounting in the Design of CEO Equity Compensation
Merele M.Erickson
Shiing-Wu Wang
Tax Benefits as a Source of Merger Premiums in Acquisitions of Private Corporations
Korok Ray The Retention Effect of Withholding Performance Information
Evelyn R.Patterson
J.Reed Smith
The Effects of Sarbanes-Oxley on Auditing and Internal Control Strength
Mohan Venkatachalam
Earnings, Cash Flows, and Ex Post Intrinsic Value Equity
Nicole Thibodeau, John H.(Harry) Evans V
Nandu J.Nagarajan
Jef Whittle
Value Creation in Public Enterprises : An Empirical Analysis of Coordinated Organizational Changes in the Veterans Health Administration
Jun Han
Hun-Tong Tan
Investors' Reactions to Management Guidance Forms : The Influence of Multiple Benchmarks