
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Mary E.Barth Global Financial Reporting : Implications for U.S. Academics
Weitzu Chen
Chi-Chun Liu
Stephen G.Ryan
Characteristics of Securitizations that Determine Issuers' Retention of the Risks of the Securitized Assets
Qiang Cheng
David B.Farber
Earnings Restatements, Changers in CEO Compensation, and Firm Performance
Wayne R.Landsman
Kenneth V.Peasnell
Catherine Shakespeare
Are Asset Securitizations Sales of Loans?
Yen-Jung Lee The Effects of Employee Stock Options on Credit Ratings
Ramgopal Venkataraman
Joseph P.Weber
Michael Willenborg
Litigation Risk, Audit Quality, and Audit Fees : Evidence from Initial Public Offerings
Yijiang Zhao
Kung H.Chen
Staggered Boards and Earnings Management