
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Shaqron P.Katz Earings Quality and Ownership Structure : The Role of Private Equity Sponsors (2007 American Accounting Association Competitive Manuscript Award Winner)
Andrew A.Cito
Jeffrey J.Burks
W.Bruce Johnson
Materiality Decisions and the Correction of Accounting Errors
Katrin Burkhardt
Roland Strausz
Accounting Transparency and the Asset Substitution Problem
Jeffrey R.Casterella
Kevan L.Jensen
W.Robert Knechel
Is Self-Regulated Peer Review Effective at Signaling Audit Quality?
Shane S.Dikolli
Susan L.Kulp
Karen L.Sedatole
Transient INstitutional Ownership and CEO Contracting
Carlin Dowling Appropriate Audit Support System Use : The Influence of Auditor, Audit Team, Nd Firm Factors
Vicky B.Hoffman
Mark F.Zimbelman
Do Strategic Reasoning and Brainstorming Help Auditors Change Their Standard Audit Procedures in Response to Fraud Risk?
Udi Hoitash
Rani Hoitash
Jean C.Bedard
Corporate Governance and Internal Control over Financial Reporting : A Comparison of Regulatory Regimes
Christian Laux
Volker Laux
Board Committees, CEO Compensation, and Earning Management
Steven F.Orpurt
Yoonseok Zang
Do Direct Cash Flow Disclosures Help Predict Future Operating Cash Flows and Earnings?
Roger Simmett
Ann Vanstraelen
Wai Fong Chua
Assurance on Sustainability Reports : An International Comparison
Rayn J.Wilson An Examination of Corporate Tax Shelter Participants