
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Jennifer Blouin
Luzi Hail
Michelle H.Yetman
Capital Gains Taxes, Pricing Spreads, and Arbitrage : Evidence from Cross-Listed Firms in the U.S.
Jeffrey L.Callen
Joshua Livnat
Dan Segal
The Impact of Earnings on the Pricing of Credit Default Swaps
Joseph V.Carcello
Ann Vanstraelen
Michael Willenborg
Rules Rather than Discretion in Audit Standards : Going-Concern Options in Blgium
Jong-Hag Choi
Jeong-Bon Kim
Xiaohong Liu
Dan A.Simunic
Cross-Listing Audit Fe Premiums: Theory and Evidence
Shana M.Clor-Proell The Effects of Expected and Actual Accounting Choices on Judgments and Decisions
Rebecca Files
Edward P.Swanson
Senyo Tse
Stealthe Disclosure of Accounting Restatements
Jere R.Francis
Michael D.Yu
Big 4 Office Size and Audit Quality
Paul Kalyta Accounting Discretion, Horizon Problem, and CEO Retirment Benefits
Kazuo Kato
Douglas J.Skinner
Michio Kunimura
Management Forecasts in Japan : An Empirical Study of Forecasts that Are Effectively Mandated
W.Robert Knechel
Paul Rouse
Caren Schelleman
A Modified Audit Production Framework : Evaluating the Relative Efficiency of Audit Engagements
Xu Li
James E.Short
The Effect of Disclosures by Management, Analysts, and Business Press on Cost of Capital, Return Volatility, and Analyst Forecasts : A Study Using Content Analysis
Xi (Jason) Kuang
Donald V,Moser
Reciprocity and The Effectiveness of Optimal Agency Contracts