
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Sven Modell Institutional perspectives on cost allocations : integration and extension
Anil Arya
John Fellingham
Jonathan Glover
Doug Schroeder
Deprecation in a model of probabilistic investment
Carlos Larrinaga
Fernando Llena
Jose M.Moneva
Francisco Carrasco
Carmen Correa
Accountability and accounting regulation : the case of the Spanish environmental disclosure standard
Luzi Hail The impact of voluntary corporate disclosures on the ex-ante cost of capital for Swiss firm
Anthony G.Hopwood 'If only there were simple solutions, but there aren't' : some reflections on Zimmermans's critique of empirical management accounting research
Christopher D.Ittner
David F.Larcker
Empirical managerial accounting research : are we just describing management consulting practice :
Joan Luft
Michael D.Shields
Zimmerman's contentious conjectures : describing the present and prescribing the future of empirical management accounting research
Kari Lukka
Jan Mouritsen
Homogeneity or heterogeneity of research in management accounting?