
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Cost-Quality Conflict in Audit Firms : An Empirical Investigation
Nicolas Antheaume Valuing External Cost-Form Theory to Practice : Implications for Full Cost Environmental Accounting
Andreas Charitou
Evi Neophytou
Chris Charalambous
Predicting Corporate Failure : Empirical Evidence for the UK
Heidi Vander Bauwhede
Marleen Willekens
Evidence on (the Lack of) Audit-quality Differentiation in the Private Client Segment of the Belgian Audit Market
Waymond Rodgers
Thomas J.Housel
The Effects of Environmental Risk Information on Auditors' Decisions about Prospective Financial Statements
Lasse Niemi Auditor Size and Audit Pricing : Evidence from Small Audit Firms
Antonio Vico Martinez The Corporate Image of Auditors in a Developing Audit Market within the EU : The Case of Spain