
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Timo Hyvonen
Janne Jarvinen
Contract-Based Budgeting in Health Care : A Study of the Institutional Processes of Accounting Change
Anne Cazavan-Jeny
Thomas Jeanjean
The Negative Impact of R&D Capitalization : A Value Relevance Approach
Christopher Nobes
Hans Robert Schwencke
Modeling the Links between Tax and Financial Reporting : A Longitudinal Examination of Norway over 30 Years up to IFRS Adoption
Peter Ohman
Einar Hackner
Anna-Maria Jansson
Finn Tschudi
Swedish Auditors' View of Auditing : Doing Things Right versus Doing the Right Things
Barbara Pirchegger Hedge Accounting Incentives for Cash Flow Hedges of Forecasted Transactions