
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Daniel Perez
Vicente Salas-Fumas
Jesus Saurina
Earnings and Capital Management in Alternative Loan Loss
Brenda VanTendeloo
Ann Vanstraelen
Earnings Management and Audit Quality in Europe : Evidence from the Private Client Segment Market
John Forker
Ronan Powell
A Comparison of Error Rates for EVA, Residual Income, GAAP-Earnings, and Other Metrics Using a Long-Window Valuation Approach
Shahed Imam
Richard Barker
Colin Clubb
The Use of Valuation Models by UK Investment Analysts
Clais Holm
Pall Rikkardsson
Experienced and NOvice Investors : Does Environmental Information Influence Investment Allocation Decisions?
Yasuhiro Ohta On the Conditions Under which Audit Risk Increases with Information