
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Wouter Van Overfelt
Marc Deloof
Ann Vanstraelen
Determinants of Corporate Financial Disclosure in an Unregulated Environment : Evidence from the Early 20th Century
Efthimios G.Demirakos
Norman C.Strong
Martin Walker
Does Valuation Model Choice Affect Target Price Accuracy?
Jean-Francois Henri The Periodic Review of Performance Indicators : An Empirical Investigation of the Dynamism of Performance Measurement Systems
Thomas Riise Johansen Employees, Non-Financial Reports and Institutional Arrangements : A Study of Accounts in the Workplace
Manuel Cano-Rodriguez Big Auditors, Private Firms and Accounting Conservatism : Spanish Evidence
Bernard Raffournier
Alain Schatt
Is European Accounting Research Fairly Reflected in Academic Journals? An Investigation of Possible Non-Mainstream and Language Barrier Biases