
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Bok Baik
Bruce K.Billings
Richard M.Morton
Reliability and Transparency of Non-GAAP disclosures by Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs)
Orie E.Barron
Donal Byard
Yong Yu
Earnings Surprises that Motivate Analysts to Reduce Average Forecast Error
Bruce K.Behn
Jong-Hag Choi
Tony Kang
Audit Quality and Properties of Analyst Earnings Forecasts
Scott B.Jackson The Effect of Firms' Depreciation Method Choice on Managers' Capital Investment Decisions
John (Xuefeng) Jiang Beating Earnings Benchmarks and the Cost of Debt
Elizabeth K.Keating
Linda M.Parsons
Andrea Alston Roberts
Misreporting Fundraising : How Do Nonprofit Organizations Account for Telemarketing Campaigns?
Ryan Lafond
Ross L.Watts
The Information Role of Conservatism
Zoltan P.Matolcsy
Anne Wyatt
The Association between Technological Conditions and the Market Value of Equity
Wendy M.Wilson An Empirical Analysis of the Decline in the Information Content of Earnings Following Restatements