
The Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
William R.Baber
Angela K.Gore
Consequences of GAAP Disclosure Regulation : Evidence from Municipal Debt Issues
Kee-Hong Bae
Hongping Tan
Michael Welker
International GAAP Differences : The Impact on Foreign Analysts
Mary E.Barth
Leslie D.Hodder
Stephen R.Stubben
Fair Value Accounting for Liabilities and Own Credit Risk
Messod Daniel Beneish
Mary Brooke Billings
Leslie D.Hodder
Internal Control Weaknesses and Information Uncertainty
Jennifer L.Brown
Linda K.Krull
Stock Options, R&D, and the R&D Tax Credit
Eddy Cardinaels
Eva Labro
On The Determinants of Measurement Error in Time-Driven Costing
Daniel A.Cohen
Aiyesha Dey
Thomas Z.Lys
Real and Accrual- Based Earnings Management in the Pre- and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Periods
Pierre Jinghong Liang
Madhav V.Rajan
Korok Ray
Optimal Term Size and Monitoring in Organizations
Mark T.Soliman The Use of Dupont Analysis by Market Participants