
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Ulf Johanason
Maria Martenson
Matti Skoog
Measuring to understand intangible performance drives
David B.Citron
Gikas Manalis
The international firms as new entrants to the statutory audit market : an empirical analysis of auditor selection in Greece, 1993 to 1997
Charles Piot Agency costs and audit quality : evidence from France
Irvine Lapsley The Changing public sector : from transition to transformation
Olov Olson
Christopher Humphrey
James Guthrie
Caught in an Evaluatory trap : a dilemma for public services under NPFM
Irvine Lapsley
Rosie Oldfield
Transforming the public sector : management consultants as agents of change
Lars-Goran Aidemark Managed health care perspectives : a study of management accounting reforms on managing financial difficulties in a health care organization
Inger J. Pettersen Implementing management accounting reforms in the public sector : the difficult journey from intentions to effects
Age Johnsen
Pentti Meklin
Lasse Oulasvirta
Jarmo Vakkuri
Performance auditing in local government : an exploratory study of perceived efficiency of municipal value for money auditing in Finland and Norway
Lourdes Torres
Vicente Pina
Public-private partnership and private finance initiatives in EU and Spanish local governments
Henk ter Bogt Politicians and output-oriented performance evaluation in municipalities
June Pallot Transparency in local government : antipodean initiatives