
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Bertrand P.Quere
The information content of earnings and turnover announcements in France
Norvald Monsen Cameral accounting and cash flow reporting : some implications for use of the direct or indirect method
Mary Canning
Brendan O'Dwyer
Professional accounting bodies' disciplinary procedures : accountable, transparent and in the public interest?
Prem Sikka Transparency and accountability of the professional accountancy bodies : some observations on the canning and O'Dwyer paper
C.Richard Baker
Alain Mikol
Reiner Quick
Regulation of the statutory auditor in the European Union : a comparative survey of the United Kingdom, France and Germany
Olivier Herrbach Audit Quality, auditor behaviour and the psychological contract
NIeves Carrera
Isabel Gutierrez
Salvador Carmona
Gender, the state and the audit profession : evidence from Spain (1942-88)
Pat Sucher
Scetlana Bychkova
Auditor independence in economies in transition : a study of Russia
Eva Wallerstedt The emergence of the Big Five in Sweden