
The European Accounting Review

執筆者 タイトル
Marco Trombetta International regulation of audit quality : full harmonization or mutual recognition? An economic approach
Ervin L.Black
John J.White
An international comparison of income statement and balance sheet information : Germany, Japan and the US
Anne Chwolka
Dirk Simons
Impacts of revenue sharing, profit sharing and transfer pricing on quality-improving investments
Markus Granlund
Jan Mouritsen
Introduction : Problematizing the relationship between management control and information technology
Sudhir C.Lodh
Michael J.R.Gaffikin
Implementation of an integrated accounting and cost management system using the SAP system : a field study
Ariela Caglio Enterprise Resource Planning system and accountants : towards hybridization?
Timo Hyvonen Management accounting and information systems : ERP versus BoB
Andreas I.Nicholaou Manufacturing strategy implementation and cost management systems effectiveness
Robert W.Scapens
Mostaga Jazayeri
ERP systems and management accounting change : opportunities or impacts?